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1.       外风(侧风)少的地方

2.       室内冷(暖)都很充分与均匀

3.       建筑物深度大于宽度

4.       风幕机宽度大于进出品宽度相等或稍大

5.       安装面与风幕机之间无间隙

6.       建筑物所有进出口均安装风幕机

7.       使用排气扇的场所,如抽油烟机或排气口,应再设立补给扇(回风扇)以平衡正负压差,


Main points for increasing the Air Curtain’s efficiency:

1.       Minimal external or side airflows

2.       Even distribution of internal temperatures

3.       Building depth is greater than width

4.       Air Curtain machine width is as large as or slightly larger than entrance covered

5.       Air Curtain machine flush with surface fitted to

6.       All building entrances covered by Air Curtain machines

7.       Use the location’s exhaust fan: if an extractor fan or vent should be set u to balance the differential pressures, convection will not be created and the Air Curtain’s efficiency will be reduced

联系人:林先生    |     手机:13515963380    |     电话:0592-5610421 5983783    |     传真:0592-3922662
E-mail:cnworld@126.com  |   邮编:360001  |   厂址:厦门市湖里区123
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